It is with heavy hearts that we pray for the congregation of the recent assassinated AG church leaders in Burkina Faso. This underscores the importance of praying fervently for their protection and the spreading of the gospel even under threat of death.
Bill and Reita Moore
The Moores lead Africa Tabernacle Evangelism. Bill also serves as the Director of Africa Harvest Ministries, as well as several other ministries. Africa Tabernacle Evangelism works with US based churches and African national churches to set up local tabernacles of worship. A tabernacle is a set of steel trusses and a roof system that can easily be set up within a matter of a few hours. A cost of $7,500 will pay for the structure. US churches pay expenses and coordinate the effort, and the national church provides manpower for the setup and finishes the structure.

Bill’s mission built the tabernacle in Burkina Faso that was the scene of recent attacks that killed the pastor and five others.
Below is an email Bill sent me with a message from one of the local pastors:
“Recently in a Burkina Faso Village the people have been praying for a church in their area. The same night the team got to the village after a hard work and they decide to clean the place and sleep on branches. They got a goat from the church leaders they barbecue it and before they finish a man with a machete came and ask them to leave. They realize that he was demon possessed and nobody respond to him and he went back, they stayed in prayers and the next day the guy was there and ask to help and spent all day there. He told them that he didn’t sleep the night before. we thank God for he is Faithful.”
- “Bill’s mission work is partnering to plant 100 new churches in that area, and it is not happening without a lot of resistance,”
- Pray for more resources to build churches,
- Pray for protection of teams and local congregations,
- Pray for Holy Spirit guidance in this important work.
Hebrews 13:3 “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.”

Recent terror attack in Burkina Faso at an Assemblies of God church left six people dead, including the pastor, Pierre Ouédraogo, the pastor’s son, and his brother-in-law who served as a deacon in the church. In response, more than 100 Christians already have left for more secure towns further south. A dozen gunmen on motorcycles stormed the courtyard of the church and shot the pastor after demanding they convert to Islam – according to a statement by the general superintendent of the Assemblies of God. The attackers also stole from the church and burned its pulpit. The pastor had sensed danger but “he prefers to die for his faith rather than leave the village where he has served for nearly 40 years,” said his son-in-law. This represents the first church attack among the recent surge of Islamist violence.
- “In the face of blind hatred, let us ask God to give us the strength to spread love, which makes us the children of God.” “The unity of the body of Christ and of the whole nation must be preserved at all costs.” Spokesman AG churches,
- Pray for the conversion and missions work among the Muslims.
- Pray that the Holy Spirit will give survivors a sense of His close presence as they grieve and that they will be shining examples of the love of Christ in the coming days.
- Pray for the safety of churches throughout the world as violence against places of worship continues to escalate
- Pray for the salvation of those seeking evil against the Church, that God would turn their hearts to Him and use them to proclaim the gospel
- Pray that a great spiritual awakening will sweep across the world.
Matthew. 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
Of the estimated 7.47 billion people alive today, 3.15 billion of them live in unreached people groups with little or no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. According to Joshua Project, there are approximately 16,800 unique people groups in the world with about 6,900 of them considered unreached.
- for the outreach to 867 unreached people groups of the 48 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, (a mission priority)
- for more mission workers willing to take the risks and sacrifices to reach these remote areas,
- for churches to be planted and disciples make,
- for direction of the Holy Spirit and protection for those involved,
- that gospel will be made available it their native language.