In Matthew 16:15-19 Christ asked Peter who he thinks He is. Jesus responds to Peters affirmation that He would build HIS church and Hell would not stop it. He then says” I will give you the Keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.”
I believe that the keys He is speaking of is PRAYER. OUR PRAYER ARE THE KEYS THAT ADVANCES GODS KINGDOM. Think about that! Let us be faithful.

Blake graduated from the OSU in 2000. Katy graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University with a degree in nursing, then completed her master’s degree in midwifery at Vanderbilt University. The Edgmon’s ministry is Trinity College in Dublin Ireland. They work with Students for Christ, a European-based ministry committed to discipling university students. The university campus is one of the most strategic mission fields in the world. A nation’s future leaders, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and scientists populate the university campus. The college student is the greatest potential influencer of our world tomorrow.
Katy is launching a group called Zoe that supports those in crisis pregnancy. See the following video:
- for Holy Spirit leading
- for favor and fearlessness with student ministry
- for Katy as she leads Zoe,
- for support funds,
- for Edin & Eli.
Leah Sharibu, Nigeria
Keep persecuted Christians in Nigeria in prayer. It has been almost 18 long and painful months since Rebecca Sharibu’s teenaged daughter Leah, was kidnapped by Boko Haram Islamic militants. While Leah’s schoolmates were eventually freed, the insurgents refused to release Leah because she would not relinquish her Christian faith.
Now, Sharibu is turning to the U.S government in a desperate plea for her child’s life.

“I have brought my cry here. Leah is a beautiful child, she loves the Lord and I am so proud of her for not giving in,” Sharibu told Fox News. “But she has spent her 15th and 16th birthdays in captivity and we need her home.”
The anguished mother is part of a small delegation of Nigerian activists to have descended on Washington recently to ask for help.
- Pray for Leah that she would keep her faith strong,
- for Leah and others protection & release,
- for the Nigerians visiting Washington to have the ear of Congress.
- That the Nigerian government would protect its Christian citizens
Continue to pray for unreached people in Islamic countries.
Live Dead Iran exists to plant churches throughout Iran, churches that will reflect Christ, close the gaps, and finish the task of reaching the nation. The goal is to plant churches that only multiply when persecuted.
- more mission workers willing to take risks and sacrifices to reach remote areas,
- churches to be planted and disciples made,
- direction of the Holy Spirit and protection for those involved,
- that the gospel will be made available it their native language.